About Us
We are so excited to welcome you to our annual Wassail and hope to make 2024 the best yet!
We will start the night at 15a Moorcroft Road for that first taste of the beautiful mulled cider and blessing of the apple trees.
We then proceed through the village (banging of pots and pans is very much encouraged to ward off all those evil spirits!) And end up at Walnut Barns where, you guessed it, more of that wonderful mulled cider to keep you warm and we bless the apple trees again.
After that, we celebrate with dancing, music, food and merriment. What more could you want?
It's always a great night and we look forward to sharing it with you.
The Hutton-Dabaso Twinning Association
Moorcroft Road / Walnut Barns, Weston-super-Mare, BS24 9RW
Sat 20th January 2024