About Us
Look at the cities. Full of hopes, dreams, and shops. Now look at your town. Rundown. Deserted. Not like the good old days. It needs a good pep. That's why we here at the ministry are getting ready to give you and your seaside town a loving "nudge" in the right direction. The sea.
That's right. 10 days from now, we'll rev up the engines on our brand new giant bulldozer and plunge everything and everyone you love into the waves. And what will fill this newly-flattened paradise? Hopes, dreams, and lots and lots of shops.
From the company who brought you Me, Monster? comes a brand new comedy show about a town standing up to levelling down.
Buckle up for a tale of chaos, revolution and the final days of the seaside… before it gets pushed into the sea by a giant bulldozer.
How far can a town be pushed before it's nudged?