About Us
Stacy and Adrienne have been cast in 'The Forbidden Fruit', a Regency-era lesbian melodrama, a catastrophe of clichés and male fantasies of hot lesbians ripping off each others' corsets. They're pretty sure it's a crime against gay people. But they need the work.
'Chickpeas' is about Stacy and Adrienne - funny, real people that love to laugh at the regency romance they're rehearsing; take the piss out of their unhinged director, and pretend that they're not falling for each other. It's a story about how queer women fall in love: the risk, the bravery and the joy.
By laughing in the face of patriarchal storytelling, 'Chickpeas' aims to expose, ridicule and defy the damaging clichés of lesbian media. How do we perform the performance of falling in love? How do we reclaim the queer love story?