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Sound of Wells Festival
Thursday 18–Sunday 21 May 2023
The Sound of Wells Festival features spectacular series of concerts and services, celebrating musical talent from all over the city of Wells and beyond. Wells is a place overflowing with musical talent, and the Sound of Wells Festival will bring more than 300 musicians together, aged 8-80, to perform in Wells Cathedral.
Thursday 18 May
1.05 p.m. Lunchtime Concert: Wells Cathedral School Pianists
5.15 p.m. Ascension Day Festal Eucharist
Friday 19 May
1.05 p.m. Lunchtime Concert: Wells Cathedral School Composers
7.30 p.m. Concert: Zadok the Priest
Saturday 20 May
7.00 p.m. Concert: I Was Glad!
Sunday 21 May
10.30 a.m. Festival Orchestral Eucharist
3.00 p.m. Festival Choral Evensong