About Us
19.05.24 Event Details
Location: Meet at the Italian Gardens, Weston super Mare. Pictures to be taken in front of The Knife Angel
Time: 2pm
Date: Sunday 19th May 2024
Nearest postcode: BS23 1HL (Sovereign)
What3Words: super.proper.tube
Look for: high vis Sophie's SUPER Litter Picking volunteer jackets and our infamous litter picking trolley!
The plan: meet at 14:00 - there will be a short safety briefing, equipment will be handed out and then we'll start beach cleaning and litter picking.
Equipment: most equipment is provided (gloves, reusable Surfers Against Sewage bags, some litter pickers) but please bring your own if you're able to.
Car parking: the nearest parking is street parking. The nearest car park is The Sovereign Centre, Unit 2 High St, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1HL. Details and prices here: Car park opening times: Sun – Thurs 8am – 9pm / Fri – Sat 8am – Midnight. Website here: http://www.sovereign.superweston.net/
Please also note that lots of free Sunday parking will be available.
Public transport: Weston has both a train station and bus terminus. Our town, beach and meet up event are very close to both so please plan your journey ahead.
Toilets: the nearest public toilets are along the seafront Promenade (20p) or in the very friendly local businesses (just ask)
Dogs: The area between Royal Sands and the Grand Pier marked in blue on the map, is off-limits to dogs from 1st May to 30th September between 9am and 7pm and dogs are never permitted at Marine Lake. Details can be found here: https://www.visit-westonsupermare.com/reasons-to-visit/dog-friendly#:~:text=Dog%20Walking,-Dogs%20are%20permitted&text=of%20the%20beach.-,The%20area%20between%20Royal%20Sands%20and%20the%20Grand%20Pier%20marked,not%20permitted%20at%20Marine%20Lake.
♻️Please dress for the weather - wear safe and sturdy shoes and bring a reusable cup with you. Updates on the event regarding weather will be shared across our social media platforms.
⁉️Any questions, please get in touch with Sophie via:
Before the beach clean - sophiessuperlitterpicking@gmail.com
During the beach clean - WhatsApp Group after signing up used on the day only for this event (you approve to joining a Litter Pick WhatsApp group when you sign up): 07449455386
Make sure to check out our socials!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/249788853749163/?ref=share
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sophiessuperlitterpicking?r=nametag
Everyone is welcome at our events. ️ We are a SUPER community.