About Us
Introducing the second in our series of 'New Arrivals' sessions! Over the next year, we will be exploring different points in history, we started with the Bronze Age and we're moving through history to the present. We're considering how new cultures and communities have made Britain their new home. Attendees will be encouraged to continue their learning at home between sessions and the year will finish with a display of the children's work from all of the sessions within the museum.This session will consider how the Romans not only invaded but stayed and made Britain their home for around 400 years. This led to the creation of a Roman-British hybrid culture.
Sessions are designed to be active and accessible for a range of ages and abilities, but are generally aimed at Key Stage 2 level. If you would like to let us know about any specific considerations for your children then we would welcome this, just get in touch. Tickets need to be purchased for each child attending, but parents/carers do not need to purchase a separate ticket (although they will need to stay within the museum whilst the session is taking place and are welcome to join in to support their child if suitable). Tickets cost £5 per child and can be booked via Ticketsource or by popping into or phoning the museum directly.