About Us
Back in 2020, no one thought that we would still be experiencing this pandemic nearly one year on in 2021 and of course it has affected everyone in one way or another. It is now a part of our lives to Wash our hands, cover our face, stay 2 metres apart and no gathering in groups to help protect each other and our fantastic NHS. The team would like to say a big Thank You to all of our NHS staff and Keyworkers across the UK who have kept the country going over the last year. Behind the scenes, Weston-super-Mare Pride has been working on plans for an event for 2021, however with the on-going pandemic, its still too early to be able to confirm when we will be able to bounce back with our annual event that is risk free and safe for everyone.
It is with regret, that we today announce our annual event will be online again this year. More details will be released over the next few weeks and months, for now, the dates for your diary are Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th July 2021.
We have also had some in-depth discussions with the team at Northern Pride in Newcastle and UKPON (UK Pride Organisers Network) regarding the national pride, which was originally due to be held in Weston-super-Mare in 2021, then postponed due to COVID to 2022. We have again decided to roll the postponement to 2023. This enables all the hard work from the Northern Pride team to host in 2022.
We have already been in touch with those who have purchased tickets for this year. Anyone who has shown an interest in getting involved with a stall or other activity will be contacted in the coming weeks.
Looking ahead to 2022, this is a significant anniversary for the LGBT+ community, It celebrates 50 years since the first Gay Rights Rally March in London in June 1972. We are going to make 2022 a year of showing our thanks to those that have come before us and paved the way for equality today. Pride is as important now as it has ever been, perhaps more so as we have become even more isolated due to government restrictions.
Our 2021 online event is a chance to bring our community together to celebrate and empower who we are. We will need your help to make this the most powerfully & uplifting online event of 2021 for everyone. Support Weston-super-Mare Pride in any way you can. We will share ideas and inspiration with you, keep checking our website to see what’s going on, visit our online shop and we promise to give you something to shout about.
Take Care of yourselves and if you need support please contact hello@wsmpride.com
Directors and Team Leaders
Weston-super-Mare Pride Community Interest Company 18.02.2021