About Us
This marvellous day out for dogs and their families returns to the Beach Lawns, Weston-super-Mare.
Your dogs can enter the Fun Classes such as 'Waggiest Tail' and Have-a-Go around the obstacle course. Lots of stalls and games and hot food and drinks to enjoy. This charity event raises money for Holly Hedge Animal Sanctuary, a wonderful rescue charity in North Somerset.
Highlights include
13 Fun classes to enter - including the favourites such as waggiest tail, Best Paw Shaker and Best Smiley Face.
Dog activity ring and doggie games
Human, fruit machine, coconut shy, bash the rat atc
There's also stalls and refreshments.
Gates open at 10am. Class bookings start at 10.30am and remain open throughout the day.
For times of the classes, click here