About Us
The Oppitts proudly present the Big Top Musical 'Barnum'PT Barnum, always loved spectacle and excitement and although his wife Charity disagreed with his love of flim-flam, he still became successful and known worldwide as 'The Greatest Showman' – This fun filled spectacular musical charts that rise to fame with songs including:
'There is a sucker born every minute', 'Thank God I'm old!', the haunting 'The Colours of My Life' and the rousing 'One Brick at a Time'
It was the show that launched Michael Crawford to stardom with 655 performances at The London Palladium.
A show for young and old – everyone enjoys the circus so 'Come follow the Band'
Wednesday 24th - Saturday 27th July 2019 at 7.30pm, with a 2.30pm Saturday matinee.
Tickets are £12.00: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/blakehaytheatre/e-gqbjrv