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It will be the 11th year that the Reindeers have paraded through the streets of Wells letting the children know that it will soon be Christmas. There will be seasonal craft stalls, music and entertainment for all the family. This event is free and usually attracts thousands of people to our beautiful city. There will be a poem competition for two age categories of children with prizes for all and the possibility (to be confirmed) of reading the winning poems out on the local radio.
10.50 Opening and presentation of children’s prizes by The Mayor of Wells, Councillor John North, the Lady Mayoress and Wells Rotary Club Presidents, Richard Cussell and Richard Leworthy.
11.15-11.45 “Joyful Spirit” a Gospel Choir
12.00 Procession of reindeer and prize winners, led by the Wells City Band and the Town Crier Len Swales, starts at the Market Place,
proceeds down the High Street, returning via Queen Street and the High Street back to the Market Place by about 12.45.
12.45 -1.15 Wells City Band
1.15-1.45 Cantabile Ladies Choir lead by Tracey Hansford
1.45-2.15 TBA
2.30. Closing remarks by Wells Rotary Presidents Richard Leworthy and Richard Cussell.